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Dun-Ahmic SnowRiders Snowmobile Club Needs You

So here we are with the Winter season of 2021 - 22 beginning to settle into the Near North. The nights get longer and the days stay colder which means it's time to ditch the summer attire and swap it out for turtlenecks and long johns. Yes it is getting cold. Mother nature is reminding us that she is in charge and like it or not winter is upon us. To ease the transition or to remind us of her power, she may tease us with the occasional warm spell only to turn around and give way to a bitter winter blast of cold Arctic air freezing everything in its path. Our lake becomes a barren wasteland of non stop white. The birch, the oaks and the maples are naked and covered in a dusting of snow, while the pines and the firs are green, there to shelter while offsetting the white and grey shades of the day. The cold fresh air fills your lungs. The snow crackles beneath your feet. The sun, when it shines, reflects off the snow brightly and makes you think ... It's not all that bad out here. [...]

Like every other Canadian, you absolutely understand the meaning of winter. As a kid playing outside and in the snow, it was always a good time. Fresh air, warm clothes, good friends all combined for a fun day outside. Flash forward fifty years and here I am looking forward to the excitement and fun of playing outside as a grown up kid. Is that an oxymoron?? There are lots of winter activities available to do in the area. Trail walks, cross country skiing, ice hockey, skating, curling are just a few. Today let's look at snowmobiling.

With a dedicated group of volunteers, the Dun-Ahmic Snowriders Snowmobile Club. ( or find them on Twitter at ) has been maintaining trails in this area of District 10 (D10) within the network of the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC- ) of trails. Our Club is responsible for the clearing and winter grooming of these trails, as well as, staking the various lakes that are part of the trail system, ensuring up to date signage, both directional and informative. The Club also looks after administration of Landowner Agreements for the trails that cross private property. The OFSC provides the Districts with industrial groomers and grooming drags to maintain and smooth out the main trails like the Seguin or the 101, two major links between Districts. Other trails, like the 800 series, are looked after by the volunteers using Club owned snowmobiles and smaller drags.. A majority of these trails travel across the lakes of the area which, for safety reasons, are not accessed by the larger groomers. With groomers, snowmobiles, drags, volunteers, time and some hard work, these trails are looked after to ensure that trail pass holders have a safe and satisfying ride ahead of them. Nothing but clear sailing, I mean, clear sledding ahead!

Time and money. That's what it takes. Time generously donated through the dedicated group of volunteers. When you purchase your trail pass and by letting the OFSC know that your preferred club is Dun-Ahmic Snowriders, not only does this indicate the number of riders in our area, it can also provide a list of potential volunteers.

Administration and marketing are handled centrally along with insurance that offers an extensive OFSC liability policy. This policy ensures that there is adequate coverage for the owners of private lands who allow trails to cross. Each district is allocated annual funds for fuel, repairs to groomers, supplies, signage etc. Replacement of old and worn equipment is funded by the District within their budget constraints.

It seems that every year that number is shrinking, and all the clubs are having to find more inventive ways to secure funds. When buying your Seasonal Trail Pass and selecting your ”Club”, you may think the money from that sale goes to that club. WIth changes to the formula in 2016, the result was that all permit revenues now go directly to OFSC. The OFSC then distributes operating funds to the Districts, ours being District 10, to manage on behalf of all of the clubs within each District. That Club then sets up its budget which requires approval from the District. The biggest challenge is for capital funding of our Skandics used for the grooming of trails. These workhorses are an intrical part of the grooming operations. Yes fuel and maintenance is covered in the budgeting, but the replacement of these machines is not. At this time, Dun-Ahmic Snowriders have three Skandic Snowmobiles, down from our usual pool of four. Last year we were forced to eliminate a sled as repairs required were extensive and would not be covered by the OFSC.

I do enjoy snowmobiling. I do enjoy the time I put in with the Dun-Ahmic Snowriders, volunteering and working on the trails. Sometimes frustrating, always rewarding. Being involved and helping out. I hope this winter when you are enjoying your morning coffee, looking over the frozen lake, and the volunteer with the groomer goes by, you might consider putting yourself in their place. Or take a moment the next time you're on the trails. They wouldn't be here if it weren't for the hard work of that small army of volunteers. The backbone of the Federation. Doing it for the love of the sport. Perhaps the next time you buy your trail pass why not ‘click yes’ when asked about your interest in volunteering for the club. Why not consider donating some time or some money to the club? Most MLCA members have direct access to the lake and I'm sure a large percentage of these members are snowmobilers, giving you the advantage of easy access to the trails. Talk about hassle free convenience to start out your day of sledding. No trailering required. You can easily check out the trail conditions at . Then head on out for a winter adventure … with a valid trail pass of course.

Phil Jefkins - VP - Dun-Ahmic Snowriders Snowmobile Club

January 2022


Need greater focus on dangerous practices on our small lakes

This past beautiful weekend spawned many to frequent our lake. However, I am gravely concerned about the numerous paddle boarders and paddle boaters I have witnessed NOT wearing life jackets! Also, [...]

too many lone drivers of seadoos towing one or two tubers behind and having no "spotter." I encourage the stretched OPP marine units to focus on these dangerous practices and be less concerned about boats not having baling buckets or flashlights that don't work. Such an action plan may well save lives or prevent serious injury. - Ken Galloway

August 09, 2019


Good news about The Ridge at Manitou

Dear MLCA Members: This email is to update you on the progress of the sale of the course. We are pleased to advise that the Peterson Family has accepted an offer to buy The Ridge from a long-term resident of the lake community and all parties are working towards the completion of the sale as quickly as possible. We look forward to opening the course in the spring and continuing to provide you with the service and quality you have come to expect [...]

We thank you for your patience during this time of transition. We know that as fans and loyal customers of The Ridge, youve been invested in the fate of the club along with us. It goes without saying that your ongoing support of the club over the years and especially this year was greatly appreciated. It has been a great testament to the community and base we have at The Ridge! We will continue to update you as new information is made available.

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year with best wishes to you and your families. Sincerely, Drew Rachar, General Manager/Course Superintendent, The Ridge at Manitou Golf Club.

March 07, 2018


Government Tax Proposals WILL Affect Small Businesses

In July 2017, the Federal government announced a number of proposed tax changes to private corporations and their owners. If the proposals are enacted, some will apply going back to July 18, 2017, and may require a detailed examination of activities going back to when the shares were first issued to the owners to determine if the punitive rules will apply or not. That may sound ridiculous and unfair, but that is what has been proposed [...]

The government has indicated the proposals will only apply to the highest income earners in the country and not the middle class. This is false and misleading. The rules will apply to small businesses and their owners. Below is a simple example of one of the proposed changes that will likely go through.


1. Husband and wife equally own a construction company in rural Ontario. Husband works full-time in the business and wife looks after the household, kids and volunteers her time for a number of organizations.

2. The company earns $100,000 per year and pays corporate taxes at the rate of 10%. The after-tax income available to pay dividends to husband and wife would, therefore, be $90,000.

3. The after-tax income of the company is paid out to husband and wife in dividends of $45,000 each per year.

4. Husband and wife have no other income or deductions to report on their personal income tax returns.

Personal Taxes to pay if rules do not change:

Husband: $1,885

Wife: $1,885

Total Personal Tax: $3,770

Personal Taxes to pay if proposed rules go through (effective January 1, 2018):

Husband: $1,885

Wife: $20,385

Total Personal Tax: $22,270

The income tax increase to this family if this tax proposal goes through would be a whopping $18,500 increase, or close to 600% and could be significant to this family. This is what our government is saying is fair. That is ridiculous!

This is just one of the proposals. There are many more proposals that can significantly impact small businesses and their owners, including companies that may just own investments.

For more information you can go to the website: and view the "Our Blog" tab. If you would like to know if any of the proposed rules will apply to you or your business, you can contact David Patten, CPA, CGA, of Patten Professional Corporation, who is also a member of the MLCA and lives in McKellar, 705-774-9000 or There is still some time to look at implementing tax planning before the end of 2017 to mitigate the impact that the proposals could have on you.

October 25, 2017


Would it still be cottage country without the loon?

Letter received from "Terry Rees, Executive Director of the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations" on September 19th 2014. Two reports released in the past week remind us that big changes are coming to Ontario's lakes and rivers. First: Audubon'sBirds and Climate Change Reportsuggests that within this century, "the call of the loon may disappear" from its traditional territory as a result of global warming. The bald eagle is on the list, and the Baltimore Oriole [...]

In fact, Audubon's models suggest that 314 bird species of 588 studied will lose more than 50 percent of their current climatic range by 2080 due to habitat disruption brought on by climate change.

Second: The release of the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletinindicates that greenhouse gas concentrations rose 34 percent since 1990. The WMO is the United Nations' authoritative voice on the state of Earth's atmosphere, the climate it produces and the ultimate distribution of water resources. "We know without any doubt that our climate is changing and our weather is becoming more extreme due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels," said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud. "The laws of physics are non-negotiable." Climate change will affect our land and water resources, our economy and ultimately our way of life. The Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations (FOCA) cautions that these profound shifts will impact our waterfront communities, and indeed everyone in Ontario, where our existence is inextricably linked to our watery legacy. As freshwater expert Bob Sandford warned FOCA members recently: "If you have a house on a lake or river in Canada, you are going to have a ringside seat to observe and measure these changes, which we are only beginning to anticipate and do not yet fully understand." Sandford is the EPCOR Chair of the Canadian Partnership Initiative in support of United Nations "Water for Life" Decade. We have already seen the impacts of these shifts in climate, precipitation and extreme weather events that overwhelm our infrastructure and that can wreak havoc on our economy.Each of us knows someone who has experienced these new realities. The Insurance Bureau of Canada reported that severe weather caused a record amount of property damage in Canada in 2013. Unpredictable is the new normal. What does all of this change mean for Ontario's freshwater lakes and rivers? In Ontario, we can expect to experience lower lake levels, shorter periods of winter ice, invasions of more and different non-native species, and dramatic changes to the conditions that support our fish and wildlife.Higher water temperatures may accelerate the accumulation of mercury and other contaminants in the food chain and ultimately fish, and may contribute to more toxic algal blooms. So - what can we do? It is incumbent on all of us to reduce our contribution to the global problem of heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions, as a major and first step. As individual citizens we can help by increasing energy efficiency at every opportunity, reducing energy consumption including the number of miles driven, by avoiding waste, and by recycling. Lawmakers have to anticipate and plan for the impacts of climate change to reduce future damage. These adaptations may include shifts in fisheries management and farming activities, changes in building codes and public health management, and making preparations for extreme events. We need to minimize human pressures on the global and local environment to reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems. Prudent actions include reducing air pollution, protecting the quality of water supplies and aquatic habitat, minimizing urban sprawl, reducing habitat destruction and fragmentation, restoring critical habitats, and preventing the spread of invasive non-native species. These actions should be taken now. In addition to preventing or minimizing environmental impacts, acting now will result in collateral benefits that include cost savings, cleaner air and water, improved habitat and recreation, and enhanced quality of life for all of us. I hope that we take steps today so that, in the future, our grandkids and their children will still hear loons on the lakes of this Province. Terry Reesis the Executive Director of the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations (FOCA), and is based in Peterborough, Ontario. FOCA has represented the interests of Ontario's waterfronts for over 50 years, and is one of the largest landowner membership organizations in the Province. Related Links: Audubon National Aububon Society /#utm_source=Media+Release%3A+Open+Letter++the+Loon+%26+Climate+Change+Sept2014&utm_campaign=Media+Release%3A+Loon%2C+Sept2014&utm_medium=email WMO Bob Sandford IBC About Terry September 20, 2014


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